teachers and quilt patterned outfits don't mix

similar pattern but worse.
Hey guys, i'm just going to tell you one of the funny moments of today (coz i feel bit bored ). well, anyway, the bell had just rung at the end of lunch. so at that time i was talking to my friend jaimi, when i look into the distance and yell, OMG! so like everyone's reaction to that, jaimi turns to see what im looking at. turns out i was looking at a small teacher wearing a hidious outfit (i know it sounds mean but it's true). in my eyes that teacher might as well have sown an outfit out of her quilt (thats what she looked like). the pattern on her outfit (flare pants and jacket) wear quilt like.

so to sum up no one should ever wear quilt like fabric outfits!!

xoxo peachy :)


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