sweater like crazy ..

Allo Motto,

haha. This post is purely dedicated to my new collection of clothes i bought recently. not exactly my wardrobe so far... coz I have a lot more... like more than 15 cardi's now. So this winter I was searching for a  - what I refered to as a jumper,dress,long sleeved dress made of wool - which I think is called a sweater, like crazy in most shops in the mall, shopping centres but had no luck. Until I went to the men's section to find plaited tops. On the way I found these. I was sooo wrapped and excited to buy them ( from the $2 for clothes opp shop) because I had longed for ages... and now I get to share these tops and other accesories that i found, to YOU!! :D

Brand : The Pure Australian Sweater
the colour is actually a green, but came out blue in the picture... I like how up close  you can see little details of other colours woven into it like blue and red.

without flash ...
Closer look...

Brand : Iznit
The only negative about this finely knit sweater is that it can occasionally be itchy. but this is easily solved by wearing something underneath.

Up close...

Brand : Casuals
Yeah, this really does remind you of a grandpa, but if paired with the right  things can loom just as great in me. ;)

I liked the v shaped neck ... it gives you a little breathing space for the neck. I also like the few bright patterns across the top.

Brand : RAAM
Absolute favourite... mum agrees. I love the little patchworks on the front, simple but gorgeous. the earthy tones give it a kind connotation if someone was to judge the sweater.

the sutal colours are great because the top does not burst with colour
it has a gentile feel when seen. lol. sounds like im describing art.

not sure what happened to this picture ....

wall of advant pictures... love them... can you find the crucifix ?

Medieval ... crucifix/ cross.
Well the story behind this was, that when I was around 10, my mum had bought me this  (also in blue and pink) to wear to church ( I am Christian) but i never really liked or wore it ... until now! I recently was looking through my drawer when I found this in there... was like , I am going to wear this all the time, coz it looks  kool. :P

Could you guess??

hmmmmm .... well they are headbands!

Well the tale is as follows...
So at my school everyone has to have their hair back. Recently, As well as this I have been wearing a headband too. You may ask, why? fyi I do have very dark brown hair that is almost black - that only can be decided whist in the sun - you want to know why I bother? because no one would see it. True, it is hard to tell but also it is convenient in tests as well as pulling back unwanted strands. I particuly think that like the friendship bracelets - how they are woven into kool strands - it is stylosh - for me anyway- to have something similar in my hair. The only reason why I did not share the elastic woven ones is because I find that they can easily slip off my head. So anyway , one of the accesories that I love. >_<

Sling Bag ... Love the detail on the side.... slightly reminds me of snake skin...
also like the golden buckle at the top... gives a vintage feel to the accesory. I also like how the designer did not cover the enire bag with the pattern, but left it to border the rim of the sides. :)

Got this for $7 from the opp shop.

So hope you were entertained by this post ... and hopefully I will find the time to write more . in the near future. next fashion post might be on cardi's or maybe something else...

have a great day! and thanks for your time :)
xoxo peachy


  1. Replies
    1. Do you by any chance still have the green woolen jumper and willing to sell? If so please email me preshf@gmail.com



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