Bells Dingle In the Wind ...

Hello you,

Thank goodness it's spring, lovely spring, because i have almost become sick of winter being around for so long, that I needed a little bit of warmth in the air. Now that it has finally hit spring time I wanted to share a story I wrote to celebrate ( hehe) ... not necessarily of spring but describes what I refer to as spring.

By the way, I think the trend of spring is almost, always the same. Florals, White, Soft colours, Lace, Rosey colours, Light colours...

So on with the story ...
 Bells Dingle in the Wind    Written BY Peachy 

Whenever she came close, the bell on her cane dingled, tingling, as it echoed into the distance.

The chill of the morning breeze woke me with a light stroke on the cheek, as I stumbled into Mary Anne's backyard, only to find her already waiting for me. She reached out her warm hand which was met by mine. Hand in hand, we walked toward the lake.

The trees seemed to open, creating a tunnelled pathway, which lead to the end of her garden. At the end of the tunnel, spread a vast lake. Climbing vines ran up the large tree trunks, which stood… silently waving, as they synchronised with the wind. A crunch was heard with every step taken on the uneven gravel.

Skipping next to her, eyes gleaming with excitement, I was eager to see what her surprise would be.
“Come on, Mary Anne. Can't we walk any faster? Please?” I called as I tugged on her hand.

“Dear, you know I'm a little too old for that. Why don't you just slow down and look around you?” she whispered, in time with the dingle of her cane’s bells.

Reluctantly, I listened. I looked up, towards the ceiling of the arbour, and saw gaps of the sky between the leaves. Fascinated, I watched it gradually become lighter; from black, to navy, to blue. By now, I had slowed my skipping down to a moderate stroll. The air was warming up, chirps from above and rustles in the bushes indicated that the creatures of the yard were slowly awakening from their slumber.

It seemed that the sun was just about to rise when we reached the lake. Past the horizon, the sky was a warm pinky, orange colour. Mary Anne and I took a seat on one of the park benches; situated in front of the lake, opposite what was going to be a rising sun. Little by little, the sun seemed to peak out into view. Its rays touched all it could reach. As I looked up at Mary Anne, I saw the light spread across her wrinkled face, watched as her blue, green eyes glistened all the more beautifully, as she gazed into the distance. With the rays extending towards me, the first touch of warmth tickled, making me let out a little giggle.

“Magnificent, isn’t it all? Always made me wonder, how Mother Nature came up with the idea. You know dear, I always used to come here, whenever I had the time, or just needed to get things straight, it was one of the places that has always been welcoming,” Mary Anne had said, with a sigh.

“Yeah, sure is. It’s going to be a good day, right?” I breathed.

“Lovely day, dear. Lovely day today will be,” was her reply.

Crocus flowers bloomed at the break of dawn: opening their petals to spread their fragrant scent. I closed my eyes, breathing in their fresh scent, and listened to my surroundings which were lazily coming to life. Butterflies fluttered in the breeze while bugs crawled around, some scurrying across the leaf-covered soil. The lake’s water rippled, when the wind blew. The sounds of the morning seemed to fit together, creating a calm, soothing melody. 

I miss Mary Anne. I miss my Nan. She is not near me anymore, but is in a better place now; resting in peace. Every now and then, I find myself wandering towards the lake, to reflect and to get my thoughts clarified. In these moments, if I listen hard enough, I could hear those bells of hers, jingle 
ever so lightly, in the evening breeze. ( written by of Peachy Lilie Lemonade)

xoxo hope you like it !! :)


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